How old is Edward J. Scott? When is Edward J. Scott's birthday? Where is Edward J. Scott born? Where did Edward J. Scott grow up from? What's Edward J. Scott's age?

Edward J. Scott Born: September 15, 1944 (age 78years), Santa Monica, California, United States

Is Edward J. Scott married? When did Edward J. Scott get married? Who's Edward J. Scott's married to? (Who's Edward J. Scott's husband / wife)?

Edward J. Scott Spouse: Melody Thomas Scott (m. 1985)

Does Edward J. Scott have any children? What are the names of Edward J. Scott's children? What are the ages of Edward J. Scott's children?

Edward J. Scott Children: Alexandra Danielle Yeaggy, Elizabeth Scott, Jennifer Scott

How about Edward J. Scott's grandchild?

Edward J. Scott Grandchild: Charlotte Scott, James Scott

What does Melody Thomas Scott's husband do?

Personal life. On the set of The Young and the Restless, she met her third husband, the show's executive producer Edward J. Scott.

What is Nikki Newman's net worth?

Personal life. On the set of The Young and the Restless, she met her third husband, the show's executive producer Edward J. Scott.

Who is Melanie Thomas Scott's husband?

Personal life. On the set of The Young and the Restless, she met her third husband, the show's executive producer Edward J. Scott.
