*NOTE: This photo is of Anthony Hopkins in character as Alfred Hitchcock.
For whatever reason, I completely forgot about this behind-the-scenes, making-of-Psycho film. I forget what the movie used to be called, but it’s current name is simply Hitchcock, which strongly implies “bio-pic” but that’s not what it is at all. The movie is just about how Alfred Hitchcock made Psycho, and people have just been discussing how Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson were cast in it. But guess who’s playing Hitch? Anthony Hopkins! And the header photo is actually Sir Anthony IN CHARACTER. Can you believe that’s him?
The real Hitchcock (photos below) had that iconic profile, and it seems like they’re sparing no expense with makeup and cosmetic add-ons and stuff. Did you know that Helen Mirren is in this movie too? She’s going to playing Alma Reville, Hitch’s wife, and the film focuses more on their marriage than on “the making of Psycho” I guess. Now I can’t wait to see Hopkins and Mirren together – that should be a dream. Hoplins hasn’t been working that much lately, which is rough because I love him so much. A few years ago, he dropped 75 pounds and he started looking a bit deflated and sick. I’m including some photos of Hopkins from February – he’s gained a little weight back, and I’m guessing that he’ll be padded for the Hitchcock role too.
Photos courtesy of WENN.