Jeopardy! is all set to return on October 13, 2023, with another new episode of the show. This episode is also a special one in the long-running Champions Wildcard contest as it marks the beginning of the semi-finals, with the ninth quarter-final taking place yesterday. The Champions Wildcard has been the thing of the season so far, with the 40th season yet to debut episodes featuring new contestants. This episode, in particular, has three very strong contestants, and all of them have done well in their respective quarter-finals.

In the upcoming episode of the game show, Sam Stapleton, a college consultant from Los Gatos, California; Lawrence Long, a nursing student and stay-at-home uncle from East Bend, North Carolina; and Joe Velasco, a director of customer care originally from La Mirada, California, will face off against each other, and one of them will definitely return to play in the finals while the other two will be disqualified. Many fans will root for Lawrence Long, who went viral for his profession.

Jeopardy! is one of the oldest and most renowned game shows in the history of America. It began airing in the early 1960s and has since continued to evolve drastically to capture a global audience. It has also been quite relentless in its run, charming generations of fans along the way. The main reasons for the show's popularity are its offbeat format and engaging nature. Moreover, the final round also plays an important part in its soaring popularity.

The final round of Jeopardy! is arguably the most interesting aspect of the game show. It has many interesting elements for the participants and also allows viewers to participate from the comfort of their homes. Viewers can do this by guessing the correct answer to the final question ahead of the episode's airtime. Over the years, this has become quite a common practice for the fans of the game show.

However, as this can still be quite a complicated process, we have compiled the question, answer, and other relevant details from the upcoming episode below.

October 13, 2023, Friday: Today's Final Jeopardy! question

The final question for the upcoming round of the game show reads:

“Before his death in 2005, he said he was “probably the last head of state to be able to recognize all his compatriots in the street.””

This question is from the category "Royalty." This is not a very easy topic, but it is fitting for semi-finals.

Jeopardy! final solution: Friday, October 13, 2023

The clue and solution to the upcoming round of the game show read as follows.

Clue: Before his death in 2005, he said he was “probably the last head of state to be able to recognize all his compatriots in the street.”

Solution: Prince Rainier III (of Monaco).

Prince Rainier III served as Prince of Monaco from 1949 to 2005.

Jeopardy! contestants today: Friday, October 13, 2023

The three contestants for the upcoming round of the game show are Lawrence Long, a nursing student and stay-at-home uncle from East Bend, North Carolina; Joe Velasco, a director of customer care originally from La Mirada, California; and Sam Stapleton, a college consultant from Los Gatos, California.

Catch them in action on the upcoming round of Jeopardy!.

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